Authentic Guest Reviews of Carlsbad Village Inn in Carlsbad, CA

The following guest reviews are submitted by guests after their stay at the Carlsbad Village Inn. These reviews are the opinions of the guest that reflect their experience at this property.

2 Authentic Reviews from Our Guests

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Cleanliness 100%
Location 100%
Comfort 100%

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Amy  Hannum
Amy Hannum  
Flag US
June 11, 2021

"If you need a place to stay after a long day at Legoland, I highly recommend Carlsbad Village Inn.”

The staff was extremely friendly, and the location was perfect. The property was remodeled recently, it has a nice clean modern feel with spacious rooms. We had plenty of space to set up our 12-month-old baby with a pack-n-play and it was very quiet throughout the night. There also are many wonderful restaurants and stores nearby to walk to. I will be recommending this hotel to all my family and friends visiting Carlsbad Village.

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